Check In:
How far along are you? 34-38 weeks, currently 38 weeks
Fruit of the week? Squash, coconut, honeydew, winter melon, & pumpkin
How are you feeling this week? I've been feeling pretty good the last few weeks. I have been sleeping better and enjoy staying in bed a couple extra hours each morning. I'm still feeling nervous and anxious, but am working on it every day. I have enjoyed spending time with Alex and my family. My feet swell a little bit at the end of the day and it can be uncomfortable sleeping at night sometimes. But I'm still swimming and walking every day. I really enjoy staying active.
Favorite moment this week? I have had a few really great moments. Oliver is still really active. Though he hurts me sometimes, I enjoy wondering what part of him I'm watching. It's crazy how close he is to my skin and I can feel him. I enjoyed seeing him again in 4D. Every time Alex talked to him, he smiled. We also put on Kaskade and he started moving around. We have been working on his nursery and finally finished it today. That was huge for us. We have been working on the room for months.
Any new developments? Oliver is apparently a big boy. At the ultrasound today, he was estimated at 7lb 7oz. He had huge, chubby cheeks and a roll under his neck! He was absolutely adorable. He is head down, though not engaged. So I have no clue how delivery is going to go. Since he's not breech as of now, we are not planning a c-section. Doctor said we will take it week by week.
34 weeks
34 weeks - Alex's neighbor made Oliver a sweater, booties, and a blanket!
35 weeks
35 weeks
36 weeks
37 weeks
38 weeks
Our chubby angel
His thinking pose
Trivia winners!
Oktoberfest at 37 weeks
Double date night with my friend Lauren at Downtown Disney
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