Sunday, October 28, 2012

*39-41 Week Updates*

 I can't believe this will be my last update!  I've been spending the last few weeks doing the same sort of things.   One of my favorite moments each day is walking my dogs.  I go an extra street each day and we are now walking about 30 minutes each morning.  I've continued spending my afternoons with my nephew and swimming with him.  I am still doing yoga once a week and meet with my therapist.  We got a cradle from one of my students.  It's really nice and I hope the baby will like sleeping in there.  We have a couple other options just in case.

At my last doctor's appointment I found out I'm 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced.  My cervix is not favorable for induction at this point, but he will not let me go past November 2nd (when I'll be 42 weeks).  It's been very overwhelming to know that this little guy will be here in the next week.  We have spent our last weekend trying to get everything ready and trying to spend some time with each other.

Check In:

How far along are you? 39-41 weeks

Fruit of the week? Watermelon & Jackfruit (There is no new fruit for 41 weeks)

How are you feeling this week?  I've been feeling pretty good physically over the last few weeks.  I'm glad I've been staying very active.  We have been able to get out some nights and enjoy ourselves.  Sleeping is hard because I have a hard time getting (and staying) comfortable.

Favorite moment this week?  My favorite moment of the last few weeks is just feeling Oliver move.  He's still very active.  Sometimes it hurts but I know he's really running out of room in there!  I've also been reading him a story every night and have been enjoying that a lot.  I'm glad I made it into a routine.

Any new developments?  I have started to get NST's this week along with BPP ultrasounds.  The doctor will not let him go past next Friday.  I still can't believe I will be meeting Oliver in less than a week.

39 Weeks

 40 Weeks
41 Weeks


Sunday, October 7, 2012

*34-38 Week Updates*

It's been a long and busy last few weeks.  I went on maternity leave at 36 weeks and have been spending a lot of time with my nephew.  I pick him up every afternoon and we have our little routine.  We go swimming every day for about an hour.  It's great!  I have also been doing yoga once a week and meeting with a therapist as well.  If there is time in the morning, I take the pups for a walk.  It's nice not to have to stress about sleep and get up in the morning for work.  It does feel weird to be out of work and I miss my kids, but it was definitely time to take my leave and get some rest.  School was really stressful and it was hard being on my feet all day.  Our weekends have been busy, getting ready for Oliver and doing things with each other.  We finished the nursery today and also had another 4D ultrasound.  We have been doing trivia night at a local bar once a week too.  Both times we have played, we have gotten prizes for being in the top 5. :]  I have finally packed my hospital bag and am trying to do some reading so I can better prepare myself for him.

Check In:

How far along are you? 34-38 weeks, currently 38 weeks

Fruit of the week? Squash, coconut, honeydew, winter melon, & pumpkin

How are you feeling this week?  I've been feeling pretty good the last few weeks.  I have been sleeping better and enjoy staying in bed a couple extra hours each morning.  I'm still feeling nervous and anxious, but am working on it every day.  I have enjoyed spending time with Alex and my family.  My feet swell a little bit at the end of the day and it can be uncomfortable sleeping at night sometimes.  But I'm still swimming and walking every day.  I really enjoy staying active.

Favorite moment this week?  I have had a few really great moments.  Oliver is still really active.  Though he hurts me sometimes, I enjoy wondering what part of him I'm watching.  It's crazy how close he is to my skin and I can feel him.  I enjoyed seeing him again in 4D.  Every time Alex talked to him, he smiled.  We also put on Kaskade and he started moving around.  We have been working on his nursery and finally finished it today.  That was huge for us.  We have been working on the room for months.

Any new developments?  Oliver is apparently a big boy.  At the ultrasound today, he was estimated at 7lb 7oz.  He had huge, chubby cheeks and a roll under his neck!  He was absolutely adorable.  He is head down, though not engaged.  So I have no clue how delivery is going to go.  Since he's not breech as of now, we are not planning a c-section.  Doctor said we will take it week by week.  

 34 weeks
 34 weeks - Alex's neighbor made Oliver a sweater, booties, and a blanket!
 35 weeks
 35 weeks
 36 weeks
 37 weeks
 38 weeks
 Our chubby angel
 His thinking pose
 Trivia winners!
 Oktoberfest at 37 weeks
Double date night with my friend Lauren at Downtown Disney