Not only am I 20 weeks today, but 10 years ago today Alex and I became official. I love how special this day turned out to be. <3<3<3
Check In:
How far along are you? 20 weeks
Fruit of the week? Banana
How are you feeling this week? A few weeks ago the morning sickness really started letting up and only plagued me in the evenings. Well, the last week it has decided to come back during the day as well. I don't mind though, as long as baby is healthy. I'm still have cramps/aches in my abdomen that always make me nervous.
Favorite moment this week? Finding out that he is all healthy and seeing him move!
Any new developments? Nothing really knew this week. I do think what I've been feeling the last few weeks are baby. It's definitely off and on, and there are some days he's more active than others, but I'm pretty sure that's baby I'm feeling. I usually feel some movement in the morning, around lunch, and a little in the evening. I've also started rethinking Quinn! I am also throwing around Anze, Caleb, and Xander. I guess I have lots of time to decide.
Wedding/Half Baked/10 year Anniversary Edition Photo Shoot!
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