Sunday, June 24, 2012

*23 Week Update*

Check In:

How far along are you? 23 weeks

Fruit of the week? Grapefruit

How are you feeling this week? I'm feeling about the same this week.  I had a very busy week packing up my classroom and ending the school year.  It is nice to have some time off.  Still having some aches in my abdomen and started to feel them closer to the middle and upper part of my stomach.  Hope it's all normal growing pains.

Favorite moment this week?  Baby was very active this week.  My students have music twice a week.  On Wednesday, they were singing really loud with the teacher (who was playing her guitar).  LO started moving around and I started to laugh.  I guess he was enjoying himself as well.  Alex got to feel him a lot yesterday and we got to see some more outside kicks.  I also got to meet a dear friend from TB!

Any new developments?  Baby seems to be moving more.  I'm so in love with him I can hardly stand it.  I have also started buying a couple things for him and started putting together my registry.  My mom booked a place for my shower in August.  Though these things give me anxiety, I remind myself to take it day by day and whatever happens is beyond my control.

Captain taking over my snoogle!!  He loves it.  Alex found him in our room yesterday laying on it. 
 23 weeks
Got to meet a friend from TB yesterday.  We went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in Anaheim with Alex and her husband.  We had a wonderful time!  It was so nice to meet her.

Monday, June 18, 2012

*21 & 22 Week Updates*

I may just do an update every 2-3 weeks.  I feel like when I'm having a bad week I don't want to update, but know I should.  The last two weeks have been a little rough for me.  I have had cramping this whole pregnancy, but two weeks ago it got a little stronger.  It's in the middle of my lower abdomen and sometimes I feel a stitch in the right or left side.  I know that RLP can cause the side pain, but the abdominal pain in the center is not caused by that.  I saw my doctor and he said everything was normal.  I started to have some brown spotting one day last week and totally freaked.  I had an appointment to see my new doctor in a couple weeks, so I called his office and they got me in the next morning.  After doing a full check,sending me to an ultrasound, urine analysis, and blood work everything came back normal.  Even though it all came back normal, in the back of my mind I feel like they may have missed something.  What is causing this constant pain that never really lets up?  It scares me and I wish it would go away or just know it was something normal.  But there's nothing I can do about it, so I'm looking forward to the school year ending and resting up over
Check In:

How far along are you?  21 & 22 weeks

Fruit of the week?  Pomegranate & Papaya

How are you feeling this week?  The nausea has gotten much better and I only feel it occasionally in the evenings.  I really feel like my bump has popped and I loved that.  The abdominal pains are still constant and I hope they go away.

Favorite moment this week?  I felt LO kick from the outside during week 21.  I was eating ranch doritos with salsa and he was going crazy!  Alex got to feel baby kick from the outside over the weekend.  It was so neat for him and he got to feel lots of kicks.  Baby was having a party that morning.  

Another great moment was seeing my grandma for the first time since January.  She kept rubbing my belly and telling me how happy she was.  My nephew also acknowledged his cousin this week!  He hugged my belly and was wondering why he couldn't hear his cousin.  I said he couldn't hear him, but he will be able to feel him.  He asked if he could feel him right now, but baby wasn't moving at that moment.  I told him one day he will be able to feel him.  So cute!

We also had another ultrasound and I got to see LO on the screen a couple times.  He wouldn't hold still and wasn't cooperating.  It was nice to see him again though, even though I was very nervous.  I really enjoy feeling him move.  

Any new developments?  Just feeling more movement over the past couple weeks.
 21 weeks - Stanley cup playoff game edition
22 weeks with C&T
 C&T laying with mommy and baby
 Enjoying the Kings victory!  Stanley Cup champions!
 First piece of clothing I bought for LO (big step for me).  He was at the game and definitely moving around in there, so I thought this was perfect for him!
 Alex's first Father's Day
Baby meeting Grandpa on Father's Day
Our rose tree lost of the roses, but now new buds are coming in.  This is the first one to bloom!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Half Baked!

I can't believe I'm actually half baked today!  I told myself I would start doing weekly check ins if everything went okay with my anatomy scan, so today I'm going to start.  It was a bit of a rocky week for me.  I feel very vulnerable as we began sharing with more people.  I had my MIL's birthday party last night with about 100 people.  I wore a dress that pretty much revealed my bump, but couldn't get myself to tell anyone.  Some people knew already and a couple people asked about it, but that was about it.  Tonight we have a wedding and I'm wearing a much more covered up outfit so I don't have to worry about getting questioned or feeling pushed to tell anyone.  I wish there would be a day that I wouldn't have any symptoms to worry about (abdominal aches especially) and felt comfortable to tell the world, but I know that might never happen.  So, I'm taking baby steps and telling a little bit at a time.

Not only am I 20 weeks today, but 10 years ago today Alex and I became official.  I love how special this day turned out to be.  <3<3<3

Check In:

How far along are you?  20 weeks

Fruit of the week?  Banana

How are you feeling this week?  A few weeks ago the morning sickness really started letting up and only plagued me in the evenings.  Well, the last  week it has decided to come back during the day as well.  I don't mind though, as long as baby is healthy.  I'm still have cramps/aches in my abdomen that always make me nervous.  

Favorite moment this week?  Finding out that he is all healthy and seeing him move!

Any new developments?  Nothing really knew this week.  I do think what I've been feeling the last few weeks are baby.  It's definitely off and on, and there are some days he's more active than others, but I'm pretty sure that's baby I'm feeling.  I usually feel some movement in the morning, around lunch, and a little in the evening.  I've also started rethinking Quinn!  I am also throwing around Anze, Caleb, and Xander.  I guess I have lots of time to decide.
Wedding/Half Baked/10 year Anniversary Edition Photo Shoot!